Where are you Brad?

WELL said Judith Graley (Give us a Break Brad, News 23 June).
It’s thanks to you that our petition and plight over cuts to our occasional care funding of $25,000 will reach government ears. We really appreciate your support.
However, I doubt whether Brad Battin even knows where the Berwick Neighbourhood Centre is.
Although he is supposedly our state representative, we have not heard from him in any capacity since he was elected, let alone lending any support for our cause.
There are 280 of our families that will be directly affected by these funding cuts but the overflow to the rest of the community cannot be under estimated.
Á lot of these families live in Brad Battin’s electorate. How disappointed must they be.
Neighbourhood houses are the backbone of communities and hopefully Mr Battin and his state and federal cronies will realise this before it’s too late.
Jo James,
Berwick Neighbourhood Centre.