Police set for schools beat

ENDEAVOUR Hills police have formed new ties with local schools in a bid to address crime and anti-social issues within the community.
In a bid to further strengthen existing partnerships with schools and build relationships with local youth, the Endeavour Hills station has allocated police liaison officers to each school within its response zone. Senior Sergeant Mike Jenkins said the liaison officers would work closely with their schools to address crime and anti-social issues of concern to the principal, and help students by conducting talks, attending excursions, sports programs and school camps.
“The objective is to develop positive interaction between police and students thereby making students more inclined to approach police if they are in need of assistance and increasing police awareness of the issues concerning young persons,” he said.The program commenced in June and Sen Sgt Jenkins said it had already proved very positive.
For more information about the program, contact Sergeant Terry Lloyd or Senior Constable Chris Atherton (Youth Liaison Officer) at the Endeavour Hills police station on 9709 7666.