By Callan Date
NO ONE likes to be lonely and forgotten and for some of Casey’s elderly residents their final years are becoming an isolating experience.
However the St John Ambulance service is hoping to stop this trend and liven up the lives of many elderly locals by encouraging more people to become part of the ‘Visiting Friends’ program.
This involves volunteers spending an hour a week with an elderly person who no longer receives regular contact with family or friends.
Currently there is only one volunteer in the Casey area taking part in the program and coordinator Wendi Addison wants more people to think about doing a good deed for the elderly.
“All we ask for is about an hour per week or a couple of hours each fortnight for people to visit residents of aged care homes in the area,” she said.
Ms Addison said the program was of great benefit to both parties and could involve a range of activities including shopping, chatting and just plain socialising.
“These visits can be to share memories of the past, talk about current affairs, both at home and abroad, and can take the form of a game of cards, a trip to the beach or shops, or to share a cup of coffee at a local cafe.”
Ms Addison said unfortunately staff at many of the homes didn’t always have time to chat and socialise with every individual resident.
“It may be that you are lonely, too, and what a lovely way to resolve both person’s feelings,” she said.
Ms Addison recalled a story where a member had been visiting an elderly woman for several years and how sad it was when the volunteer and another St John officer were the only people to turn up to the funeral.
“I am sure that we all wish to have more than two people remember us when that time comes,” she said.
Anyone who would like further information about the St John ‘Visiting Friends’ program can contact 9737 1053 or on email.