Reimbursement for Malta trip

CASEY deputy mayor Rob Wilson will have his dinner and taxi costs reimbursed from his trip to Malta to attend the International Conference on Waste Management and the Environment.
The expenses have caused much controversy among councillors.
When Cr Wilson originally proposed the June trip, his costs were refused.
After he agreed to cover the cost of airfares and additional expenses, the council agreed to pay for his conference registration and accommodation.
But councillor Mick Morland, who brought the motion to Tuesday night’s council meeting, said some costs had been assumed but not specified in that original recommendation. Cr Morland said that left out of the expenses the council would pay for were the conference dinner, two other meals, hotel incidentals and taxis to and from the airport and hotel.
Councillor Lorraine Wreford said it had been very clear what the council was funding in the original motion, and it was poor form to come back months later and change that.
“We paid for his accommodation. Any other expenses should be his own,” she said. “He can then claim those on tax and he is well within his rights to do so.”
Cr Wilson said he felt the original motion had all intentions of including these costs and so should be part of it.
Cr Morland said Cr Wilson had paid thousands of dollars out of his own pocket, something no other councillor had done. He accused the council of being “pathetic, petty and miserable” if it did not support funding a couple of meals and taxi rides.
The motion was carried with a six-four majority.
Cr Wilson did not vote.