Visitors green with envy

GREEN-thumbed teachers and students at an Endeavour Hills school are certainly leading by example and their environmental efforts are attracting statewide attention.
Recently 46 teachers, students and school principals from across Victoria visited Mossgiel Park Primary School to view the school’s environmental initiatives.
The visitors were keen to see how the school incorporated the environment into their school curriculum.
They toured the school’s orchard and sensory, vegetable, native, bush tucker and Japanese gardens as well as saying hello to the school’s farm animals including goats, lambs, calves and chickens.
Assistant principal Joanne Fisher said Mossgiel Park was delighted that other schools were keen to learn about its environmental initiatives and students were equally delighted with the visit.
Ms Fisher said the school’s environment program allowed students to get their hands dirty and learn about where fruit and vegetables came from.
She said students then used the fresh fruit and vegetables in cooking making healthy stir frys and sandwiches at school.
“Many students think vegetables just come from the supermarket.
“This shows them how fruit and vegetables are grown and the students cannot believe how good they taste,” Ms Fisher said.