Horse help takes the biscuit

Quinn and handler Rick, centre, say thanks to students Nathan, Leigh, Rick, Vanessa and Taylah. 110027 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


FOUR Dandenong students weren’t horsing around when they offered to lend Myuna Farm a hand.
Year 11s Taylah, Vanessa, Nathan and Leigh from St John’s Regional College spent seven weeks volunteering at the Doveton farm with Riding Develops Ability (RDA), a horse riding program for people with disabilities.
There they met Quinn, who needed an $8000 operation to remove a tumour from his stomach.
“We thought it would be a great idea if we could get St John’s involved in giving a helping hand,” Nathan said.
“Quinn, being one of their best horses and whose contribution to the RDA has given the opportunity of enjoyment and a future path to many disabled children, is loved by all of those who work and ride with him.”
With help from the school’s social justice committee, year 11 hospitality students and others, the quartet raised more than $900 toward the vet bill through a coin collection drive and horse-shoe shaped ‘Quinn biscuits’.
Quinn is recovering well from his surgery, and visited the school last week to show his thanks.