Work on black spots

CASEY’S traffic black spots are being improved with road works scheduled at three collision-prone sites.
Casey Council’s manager for traffic, Paul Hamilton, said the intersections of Harkaway Road and Noack Road in Berwick, Pound Road and Kilberry Drive in Hallam, and a section of Churchill Park Drive in Endeavour Hills were receiving attention.
“Works are under way to enhance the safety of motorists and road users in high-accident locations, which were highlighted in council’s application for federal funding under the black spot program,” Mr Hamilton said.
Works at the Harkaway Road/Noack Road intersection are expected to resolve a history of single-vehicle run-off road accidents by improving the road surface drainage, lane definition and road surface skid resistance as well as the operation of large quarry vehicles exiting Noack Road.
Works are due for completion by the end of March.
Works at the intersection of Pound Road and Kilberry Drive involve the construction of a protected right-turn lane for traffic turning from Pound Road into Kilberry Drive and are expected to improve safety associated with vehicles waiting to undertake this turn.
Design documentation has been completed and the works are being tendered, with construction expected to occur this month.
In Churchill Park Drive, from Power Road to Parkside Boulevard, designs are being finalised for a range of treatments including guard rail, shoulder sealing and localised widening in particular at the bends near the Churchill Park Golf Course.
There has also been a history of single-vehicle run-off accidents along this section of road.
It is expected the works will get underway in late April and be completed in June.
“A key priority for council is continuing safety improvements to the road network,” Mr Hamilton said.
“While the current works may result in a temporary inconvenience for road users during certain times, once completed the road conditions will be safer for all.”