Rani remembered

A photo of Rani from her Facebook page.


OLD friends and people who never met her have come forward to keep the memory of murdered Doveton woman Rani Featherson alive.
Rani was found brutally murdered in Lace Street, Doveton just over month ago. The Homicide Squad investigation into her death is still ongoing.
Rebekah Jones used to walk up Lace Street every day to catch the bus to work, back when she was close friends with Rani.
Rebekah, 28, met Rani through mutual friends and said she was extremely close with her in the three years before she left Victoria but admitted regret at not staying in touch.
“She was a very loving, caring person, it felt like she was someone to look up to,” the mother of two said.
“She acted like an older sister, she could have been a mother figure, she was just awesome.
“I was quite young when I met her and she helped me grow up in a way, she helped me learn what life is about and what people were about.
“She taught me how to be strong and have confidence and look after the people you love – that’s the most important thing in life.”
Rani’s body was found about 7am on Wednesday 2 April, by employees from a nearby factory as they made their way to work.
Police confirmed at the time that 34-year-old Rani had sustained significant injuries to her head and upper body in an attack from what appeared to be an “edged weapon.”
Rebekah said the only thing that came close to winning Rani’s attention more than her family were her pet chihuahuas, her “babies”, having owned up to seven at the one time.
Rebekah’s tribute to her friend comes as one of Rani’s former Doveton West Primary School classmates sent an old school photo to the News, believing that Rani’s family and loved ones would like to see it.
Maree Murray, who lives in Eumemmering near Lace Street, never knew Rani but said she also wanted the family to know that she had not been forgotten.
“This poor girl, we don’t even know anything really, we don’t know what sort of person she was,” Maree said.
“To the family, I’m devastated on their behalf and I saw their father’s face on the news and I see the pain in his face. His child has been taken away from him.”