Celebrity dads share stories

COMEDIAN Dave Hughes and sports journalist Sandy Roberts will be among a host of celebrity dads and parenting experts who will share fatherhood stories in Cranbourne next month.
On 16 June, Casey Council will host The Dads Matter Forum at the Cranbourne Golf Club. Local dads and male care-givers are invited to the star-studded question and answer evening featuring Hughes, Roberts as well as Play School host Jay Jaga’aia, Men’s Line Australia general manager Randal Newton-John, Troy Jones from the ‘Being Dad’ DVD series and Australian Childhood Trauma Group consulting psychologist and CEO Gregory Nicolau.
City of Casey mayor Geoff Ablett, a dad himself, said he was thrilled the event was being held.
“As a dad, sometimes you think you are the only one experiencing tough times, but it simply isn’t true. This event will work towards shining a light on some of the most common struggles of being a dad, or a male care giver, and discussing some strategies to overcome them,” Cr Ablett said.
“Participants will also have the chance to find out about some of the existing services provided by the council and local agencies in the Casey area to support parents and families. It will also be a great opportunity for participants to meet and engage with like-minded parents whom you can chat to about everything about being a dad or male care giver.”
Participants also have the chance to have their own questions discussed by emailing them before the event to dadsmatter@casey.vic.gov.au. The free event will be held from 7.30pm until 9pm. Doors open at 7pm at the Cranbourne Golf Club South Gippsland Highway, Cranbourne North. Tea, coffee and refreshments will be provided. It is an alcohol-free event. Limited places are available and bookings are essential. Contact City of Casey Customer Service on 9705 5200 to register your place.
This event is fully funded through the Federal Government’s Communities for Children Project.
For more information about the event, visit www.casey.vic.gov.au or contact the City of Casey Customer Service team on 9705 5200.