GM briefing for council

CASEY council is set to hear the pros and cons of genetically modified crops.
Councillor Rob Wilson raised a motion at Tuesday night’s council meeting calling on a briefing to be held involving experts in the genetically modified (GM) field.
Cr Wilson also requested a letter be sent to Premier Steve Bracks and other state politicians supporting the State Government’s ban on planting or experimenting with GM food crops.
A website detailing GM issues describes genetic modification, as changing the DNA of living things to enhance their ability to grow under different circumstances.
Cr Wilson’s original motion was to outline Casey’s total opposition to GM crops within the city’s boundaries. However, this was scrapped after some councillors raised concerns about not knowing the full facts surrounding GM issues.
“There are a number of reasons as to why we should ban it,” Cr Wilson said.
He said the State Government was talking about lifting the ban on GM crops in Victoria.
Mayor Colin Butler, who voted against the motion, said there were GM canola crops being tested not far from the City of Casey.
“I don’t think we should be formulating opinions without knowing the facts. Everybody needs to know what is going on,” Cr Butler said.
Cr Kevin Bradford echoed Cr Butler’s thoughts.
“How can we put a proposition totally against something that we don’t know everything about,” Cr Bradford said.