Gay abandon

I WRITE to express my objection to the prominence and apparent support of an open letter to the Prime Minister supposedly written by a 10-year-old boy asking why his “two mums” can’t get married (My Two Mums, Berwick News, 21 August).
While there may be many who support gay marriage, not all the community feels the same way.
As a Christian I believe that marriage is between a male and female as it is impossible to produce a child without both a male and a female.
I realise that many people of the same sex may feel far more at peace with someone of the same gender and that they live in a same sex partnership.
I do not believe that it is up to a newspaper to give such prominence to a one-sided argument without giving the opposing view.
I also believe strongly that by giving so much space and prominence to this story it appears that the newspaper is endorsing gay marriage.
Dot O’Neill,
Narre Warren South.