Pastor pens a life of faith

A BERWICK pastor has written a book detailing the ups and downs of her remarkable life.
Winepress senior pastor Dani Cherrie has completed a three-year journey in completing Pursued.
“It’s my story as I remember it. That no matter what choices we make, no matter what happens to us, there is always hope. If God can use me, He can use anybody,” Ms Cherrie said.
Travel, battling depression and chronic fatigue and a call to faith are just a few subjects touched on throughout the book.
“I’ve kept diaries most of my life, so I had all the raw material I needed,” she said.
“They’ve been a safe place to download and de-clutter my mind.”
Ms Cherrie said she had numerous offers of help from many people involved in the wider church community, including an offer to help type up her diaries.
“A printer offered to do the first print run free. The idea was gaining momentum,” she said.
Pursued also provides details about the origins of the Winepress – a Berwick church which started with humble beginnings in the garage of Ms Cherrie and her husband, Arthur, in the early ‘90s.
“We believe in people. Our part is to help them discover God and His call for them, to connect them in community with each other, and to train and release them to do what God has gifted them to do,” she said.
The church now connects with hundreds of local residents every week with the many programs being run out of the Intrepid Street base.
Anyone interested in more information about Pursued, or to buy a copy, can visit