Triple joy at school

Hallam triplets Charlee, Harry and Shay took the big step when they started school this week.

HALLAM triplets Charlee, Harry and Shay were all smiles when they started school last week.
The new students, who started at Oatlands Primary in Narre Warren, smiled even more this week when Channel 7 news filmed them getting ready for the big day.
Mum Nicole Tumbas said her triplets hadn’t quite understood what she meant when she told them they were going to be on television, but they were soon having fun in front of the cameras.
“The kids were so excited, they like being on camera,” Ms Tumbas said.
“I think they’re so used to me taking photos of them since they were very young – I was like the paparazzi.”
Ms Tumbas said Charlee, Harry and Shay had loved their first day of school, for which fate had landed them all in the same Prep class.
“They had a great day, they’re loving it,” she said.
“They’ve settled in pretty well.”
Oatlands Primary School principal Wes Holloway said Charlee, Harry and Shay were one of two groups of triplets starting at the school this year, in addition to several pairs of twins.
News photographer Rob Carew visited Oatlands Primary to capture all the action. 133812