Cultural diversity at work

The Hampton Park Networking Group won the Casey Community Event of the Year Award. 2014. 134442_01

MEMBERS of the Hampton Park Networking Group (HPNG) were over the moon to be formally recognised for one of their major events of the year.
The Annual Hampton Park Central Multicultural Food Festival won the Casey Community Event of the Year Award for 2014.
The event brings together communities throughout the region to celebrate cultural diversity.
Event manager for the group Vanassa Gerdes said this was the first major award for the HPNG.
Members of the HPNG issued letters throughout the community prior to the event to encourage other groups to be involved. They helped more than 20 people get their food handling certificates one and two.
“The festival provides an opportunity to embrace our common values by sharing food, dance and singing,” Vanassa said.
“It brings the atmosphere alive and bonds people together as food is the heart of people and music and dance is the universal language of love.”
The next upcoming event for the group is the Kitchen Rulz Bake-off on Sunday 18 April.
For more information, email or phone Vanassa Gerdes on 0418 35 3420.