Berwick on song

BERWICK students recently joined in on a simultaneous sing along that stretched across Australia.
Members of Kambrya College and Brentwood Park Primary School combined choir took part in the Music Count Us In event.
More than 850 other schools across the country performed Life is a Song to help celebrate the value of music education in schools.
Written by acclaimed musical director John Foreman, the song was produced to celebrate music as a part of everyday life and help show children, teachers and parents that music deserves its place in the curriculum of every Australian school.
“We’re all the richer for a society which values music as part of every child’s education,” Mr Foreman said.
It is estimated that more than 200,000 children took part in the event.
Kambrya College teacher Catherine Lyons said the choir also featured on national television during an episode of Australian Idol.
“Our performance was one of 10 schools selected to have Life is a Song filmed to be submitted to the Australian Idol producers,” Ms Lyons said.