Students fear for Monash future

Dani Rothwell 115551_03


MONASH Berwick students are calling for answers on the future of the campus, amid fears it will be sold or leased to another institution.
A petition entitled ‘Monash Berwick: What’s our future?’ was launched yesterday and has since been signed by more than 300 people.
A meeting between student leaders and Monash officials will be held tomorrow afternoon, with the future of Monash an item on the agenda.
President of the Monash Union of Berwick Students Dani Rothwell said that Monash had been avoiding providing answers to students for some time.
“The future of the Berwick campus was on the agenda of a meeting in April but it was postponed,” she said on Tuesday.
“When I questioned what that item referred to, the response was that consultations would begin midyear.
“My concern is that a decision has already been made.”
The petition, in the form of a letter to the Monash University Council and Monash University vice-chancellor, requests that Monash confirm or deny plans to sell or allow another institution to use Monash Berwick.
“For far too long, rumours have been circulating that Monash has plans to sell or allow another institution to use the Monash Berwick facility.
“For far too long, Monash University has provided no answers.”
On 1 January, 2014, Monash University’s Gippsland Campus was taken over by Federation Uni.
Ms Rothwell fears the Berwick campus will face a similar fate.
“The Gippsland students got very little warning that the campus was changing hands, and now they’re studying at a uni that they didn’t apply for,” she said.
“It’s not fair and students deserve better.”
Monash has been asked for comment.
See next week’s Pakenham Gazette for further details.