Stem cell cure cash

Chase and Karter were born early to their mother Jessika. 139894_03


A FUND-RAISER to help a young boy with expensive overseas medical treatment will be held in Cranbourne this month.
Karter Evans was diagnosed with cerebral palsy shortly after he was born last year.
Parents Jessica Milne and Ben Evans said they didn’t know much about the condition and the overseas treatment available until after Karter was diagnosed.
The young boy was born a twin to brother Chase on 29 October last year, and was born with the help of forceps.
“Karter had a swell on his face and a black eye. They did a brain scan and told me he had a brain bleed from the trauma,” Ms Milne said.
“We were told the worst case scenario was that Karter may be slow learning to read and write. But he had a MRI when he was full-term and they discovered the bleed was actually quite significant, a grade four. There was talk of cerebral palsy, but they said they couldn’t diagnose him with it until he was one.”
It wasn’t until Karter started suffering spasms at home that medical testing progressed.
“Karter was doing fine just like his brother, then everything changed overnight. He started screaming and tensing and having spasms. His neck was stiff and he couldn’t follow me,” she said.
A neurologist baby doctor at Clayton diagnosed Karter with CP and said that, based on how big the brain bleed was, Karter wouldn’t be able to walk and communicate.
“I was upset, but I didn’t know anything about it. I started doing a lot of research,” Ms Milne said.
“I’ve been taking him to a chiropractor, and since then Karter is more relaxed and his body is not so tense. He wasn’t eating and now he is back to sucking bottled.”
Through her research, Jess has discovered a one-month stem cell treatment in Bangkok to help Karter. The family has been approved, and will leave on 30 November. Karter will receive eight treatments in 30 days. The cost will exceed 36,000 dollars.
“I am looking forward to it as I have watched testimonials from families with babies in worse condition than Karter who have had good results. I know it’s not guaranteed improvement though, because every kid is different,” she said.
“I am also nervous about having two one-year-olds in Thailand, but it’s the only option we have.”
Friends have organised a fund-raiser for the family. Karter’s Family Fun Fund-raiser will be held on 13 June from 10am until 4pm at Casey Comets Football ground, O’Tooles Road in Cranbourne. There will be market stalls, face painting, food, live music, rides, and entertainment. Email for questions regarding the event.. Donations can also be made through or directly to ANZ – Bsb: 013885 Acc: 218423487. More information is available on the Help Baby Karter Facebook page.