200 up for true champions

Britti Donaldson, left, and Meaghan McGill broke through the 200-game barrier on Saturday. 140222 Pictures: DAVID NAGEL

TWO of the Narre Warren Football Netball Club’s most loyal servants celebrated special milestones at Kalora Park on Saturday.
Inaugural netballers at the club, Meaghan McGill and Britti Donaldson, chalked up 200 games – Meaghan notching up her 200th senior game while Britti played her 200th combined senior and junior game.
Narre Warren coach Jade Heinrich said it was a huge achievement for both girls and a sign of their long-time loyalty to the club.
“It’s amazing – I could only dream of playing that many games for the one club,” she said.
“They’re both great leaders on and off the court and I couldn’t be more pleased for the both of them.
“They’ve both been very welcoming since we moved to the club this year, and Meaghan was actually the first person to show me around the rooms here at Narre Warren.”
For the record, Britti’s C Grade team and Meaghan’s B Grade had wins over Doveton.