Michaels are on the ball

Tracey Brown and Brian Kingma with WAYSS manager Kim Culpin on Paula Rae Women’s Choice Foursomes Day. Pictures: SUPPLIED

Fine winter but chilly conditions continued at Cardinia Beaconhills Golf Links with a field of 100 players bracing the cold chill on Saturday’s Member Stableford Daily Competition.
It was a day for ‘Michaels’ as Michael Tarley (9) returned the best score in A Grade with 41 points, Mike Kiely (15) with 40 points in B Grade and Michael Martin (23) with 41 points in C Grade.
The following are also results from the first round of the John Barker Winter Cup:
P. Stainer and T. Whatman 3/2 defeated E. Ackaoui and T. Ball, R. Kelly and J. Barker 6/5 defeated C. Whiting and R. Tidyman, P. Jones and G. Seymour 3/1 defeated J. Denereaz and P Coughlin, J. Bolton and W. Graham 3/2 defeated D. Ottoway and B. Walpole, A. Hall and M. French 2/1 defeated S. Kidd and M. Rennison, W. Dunkley and J. Hall 20th defeated J. Marsiglio and J. Nowak, J. Karac and W. Davey 1 up defeated R. Darlison and A. Conn, R. Robertson and M. Chambers 19th defeated B. Sheehan and W. Boyle.
Sunday’s Stableford competition was won by Blake Cunningham (23) with 40 points and runner up was Dave Sando (16) with 37 points.
In our Midweek Member Competition, Jordan Denereaz (+2) had 7 under ‘off the stick’ impressively and won the daily competition with 41 points.
Graeme Inglefinger (12) was runner up with 40 points.
A Grade player Trevor Ball (6) was Thursday’s Stableford competition with 36 points on a countback and Ted Fleming (23) was B Grade winner with 38 points on a countback.
On Wednesday, the club celebrated Paula Rae Women’s Choice Foursomes event with 26 pairs competing in the fun Canadian Foursomes format.
Donations on the day went towards WAYSS (providing house and support services in the local area) particularly towards victims of domestic violence.
The club raised $485 and various item donations towards WAYSS and members thank WAYSS for its involvement on the day.
The winners were Tracey Brown (25) and Brian Kingma (7) with 73 nett.
Cardinia Beaconhills Women’s Handicap Matchplay team has won the flag by squaring with Dunes Golf Club on the final day of competition.
This is the club’s second win in a row in the Women’s Handicap Matchplay District Competition.