Team approach to tackling crime

Casey councillor Louise Berkelmans is calling for a Public Safety Advisory Committee to be set up.


CASEY Council is looking to set up a public safety committee specialising in crime prevention.
Cr Louise Berkelmans will pitch the idea for the new advisory committee when she puts forward a notice of motion at the council meeting on Thursday 5 November.
Cr Berkelmans said a Public Safety Advisory Committee would potentially include representatives from council, police, religious institutions and charities, who would work together to look at curbing crime in Casey, as well as providing better care for victims.
The notice of motion comes on the back of the Casey ward forums, in which residents from every ward have been invited to meetings with councillors, police officers and specialists.
“We need to have professional people on the committee who are involved with prevention, early prevention, people who are caring for victims of crime,” Cr Berkelmans told Star News ahead of Thursday’s council meeting.
“These kinds of people can be a steering committee to guide the council in what things can be put in place to curb crime in Casey.”
She said a team approach would allow for a “bigger voice”.
“We can make more of a stand, when we come together with other people we have a bigger voice,” she said.
“This is not just a council problem, it’s not just a police problem, and it’s not just a community services problem – this is everybody.”
The series of ward forums have included several keynote speakers, including Casey Police Inspector Paul Breen, and Youth Support Advocacy Service (YSAS) director Peter Wearne.
Casey has recorded some of the highest Local Government statistics for family violence incidents.
“I’m going to start going around to the wards and to all the community and start saying, well what are you guys doing about this?” Insp Breen said at the first forum.
“Because at some stage, if it continues, it’s going to touch you.
“At some stage you’re going to know someone, (maybe someone) very close to you, that’s going to be harmed by this behaviour.”
The final forum is for the Balla Balla Ward and will take place on 2 December. For more information contact Casey Council on 9705 5200.