Hope springs for solo parents

Evie, 16 months, under the Christmas tree.


CHRISTMAS time can be more difficult for some families than others.
With this in mind the Hope Centre, run out of the Winepress Church in Intrepid Street, Berwick, held the annual Christmas Lunch for its Solo Parents Support Group last Saturday.
The lunch gives single parents in the local community the opportunity to meet with others in similar situations, while also bringing along their children.
Berwick single mum Jo Johnson, who only joined the group recently, said it could be difficult for single parents to get out and about and the group “gives them a chance to socialise while their kids are cared for”.
“I think it’s really important to have others we can connect with, and you realise you’re not on your own,” Jo said.
“It helps to have other people we can talk to and share ideas with, because single parents can feel really isolated at times and quite left out of things.”
The solo parents group meets once a month for a “coffee and a chat”, Jo said.
“I heard one lady saying to someone else that she feels really comfortable there, it’s a non-judgemental atmosphere … ” she said.
“Everyone accepts her and it’s a very loving environment.”
Star News photographer STEWART CHAMBERS visited the solo parents’ lunch on Saturday to take some photos. 147631