Apex teen bailed to avoid other jailed members


AN ALLEGED Apex Gang member has been granted bail partly to keep him away from ringleaders who had recently been remanded in juvenile detention.
At a children’s court hearing on 7 December, the teenage boy faced burglary charges but complained of being forcibly arrested at school over the alleged January break-in and of being doused with capsicum spray.
He was allegedly found in possession of cannabis during his arrest.
The applicant said he had been “keeping out of trouble” in recent times to be a good role-model for younger siblings.
“If he is in the Apex group, all the leaders are in custody so that might not be a good place for him to be,” the magistrate said.
“Their behaviour has been so high-end in the past two-to-three months.”
The street gang’s members had been allegedly involved in armed robberies, car jackings and speeding in stolen cars in recent months.
The judge granted bail due to the applicant’s age, engagement with Youth Justice services and to prevent him being in contact with the street gang’s leaders.
“Those offenders are on a different radar than you at the moment,” the judge said.
“You know the boys I’m talking about and you know the trouble they’re in.
“They’re putting members of the community at risk, they’re not being committed to their family and have absolutely zero future.”