College fits the healthy bill

BE ACTIVE, eat well, quit smoking, avoid substance abuse and enjoy life to the full.
That was the clear message last week when Chisholm Institute of TAFE students in Berwick conducted a fitness project at Kambrya College.
The initiative was part of a fourweek course for Chisholm students undertaking Certificate IV in Fitness.
With the cooperation of Kambrya College principal Ian McKenzie and the school’s committee of management the Chisholm students busily engaged in a practical learning experience each Wednesday.
They planned a series of Go for your Life health and fitness sessions for the school community.
PE coordinator at Kambrya College, Tim Hannan, also helped organise the initiative and Chisholm students worked in teams to deliver a range of activities for both staff and students.
A highlight of the project was an Expo day where various awareness campaigns including Life Education and the benefits of local fitness centres, including Casey ARC, were featured.
Aussie Bodies nutritional products gave the project their full support by providing healthy lunch supplements for Kambrya staff who took part in an active workplace session which was a fitting finale on the last day of the program.
Rob Hastings from Chisholm’s Department of Sport and Recreation said the initiative had also strengthened ties between the department and the college.