No buy-in from State on Monash widening: Woods

LA TROBE MP Jason Wood has slammed the Andrews Government, claiming it does not plan to provide a “single cent” for the $400 million Monash Freeway widening project.
He claimed the $400 million project will be equally split funded by the Commonwealth Government and urban toll network, Transurban.
Mr Wood’s claims come as three construction companies were shortlisted for the project this week, which will see the freeway widened to five lanes running each way between EastLink and the South Gippsland Highway, and three lanes each way further out to Clyde Road.
“It’s all smoke and mirrors … (the State Government) won’t give a figure (on funding commitment) because there is no figure,” Mr Wood said.
“They won’t put one cent into it, but want all the credit.”
Tolling contracts for the major arterial road are scheduled to expire in 2034, however Mr Wood alleged Transurban will come on board to fund the project, provided the tolling period is extended.
A spokesperson for Roads Minister Luke Donnellan denied the project would have no financial backing by the State Government.
But they confirmed the government planned to extend Transurban’s CityLink concession contract to fund the project.