Dizzy heights inspire young women

Kay Rankin presents Aria Sunga with her award.


INSPIRATIONAL women from across Casey gathered together last week.
The Girl Guides Victoria Women of Note Casey Mentor Breakfast was held on Friday 18 March with the aim of inspiring young women to reach for the stars.
Kate Weiss, the 2014 Telstra Business Woman of the Year, spoke to the guests at the Casey Council chambers about her journey and the birth of her successful business – Table of Plenty.
“Table of Plenty and Kate’s mission is to see each and every one of us find a state of wellbeing, so we can live and contribute our best to life,” breakfast committee member Kay Rankin said.
“Her business facilitates hundreds of hours of meaningful employment for people with disabilities here in Australia.
“The 75 students and 20 mentors were enthralled with her story.”
One of the highlights of this year’s breakfast was the introduction of the Kay Rankin Inspirational Young Woman Award.
Aria Sunga from Nossal High School was this year’s awardee and will receive a cheque for $500.
Rankin has been with the breakfast since its inception in 1995 and was the founding president of the original committee.
She is currently involved in Girl Guides, Women of Note, Inner Wheel and is a patron of the St John of God Hospital Fund-raising Campaign.
“The breakfast committee wishes to thank the sponsors who made this breakfast possible and also the City of Casey for their ongoing support,” Ms Rankin said.