Crafty kids get creative

Vander, 3, made a panda. 151994 Pictures: STEWART CHAMBERS

A TOUCH of craft never goes astray.
And on Friday kids from across Casey were able to get involved in National Craft Month, with Spotlight Fountain Gate holding the first of many free educational sewing workshops.
As well as cupcake decorating demonstrations and DIY craft classes, the store will also be organising a craft party, to encourage children from the community to be creative and try something new.
“It’s great to see local families trying their hand at more creative endeavours, such as scrapbooking, knitting and DIY,” store manager Mike Somervell said.
“It’s great for kids too, as they spend less time looking at their screens and more time engaging with tools to create something tangible – it’s great to see the look of accomplishment on a child’s face when they have successfully made something by hand.”
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