7-Eleven Stores Pty Ltd has been fined almost $8,000 for causing contamination of soil with hydrocarbons (fuels and oils) that then leaked into the stormwater system at a Hampton Park site.
The Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) was notified of the leak by contractors working in the area. EPA Southern Metro Manager Marleen Mathias said as a result, EPA officers took samples and confirmed the stormwater system was impacted by hydrocarbons from the 7-Eleven service station in Hampton Park.
“Hydrocarbons can release harmful vapours, contaminate land and impact bird and aquatic life if they reach creeks and rivers,” she said.
Ms Mathias said the company had now removed stormwater contaminated with hydrocarbons from the stormwater drainage system and carried out testing and repair works on its underground petroleum storage system.
“Repairs were carried out to a stormwater drainage pipe where a leak of liquid hydrocarbons from surrounding soil was identified to be entering the pipe. The contaminated surrounding soil was also excavated and disposed of at a properly licensed site,” Ms Mathias said.
EPA issued 7-Eleven with an official notice requiring further assessment and works on the site, and the company is taking action to comply with the notice.
Under the Environment Protection Act 1970 and the Infringements Act 2008, the company has the right to have the decision to issue the infringement notice reviewed or alternatively to have the matter heard and determined by a court.
Ms Mathias said EPA expected owners and operators of service stations to take practical measures to protect people, property and the environment from potential leaks and spills of fuels and oils.