By Rowan Forster
A Harkaway Scout Hall has been infiltrated by seasoned criminals and used as a hideout to manufacture drugs and rebirth stolen cars.
According to the Casey District Scout Association, the perpetrators have stolen $14,500 worth of goods – including a defibrillator, camping equipment and machinery – and dealt a further $2900 worth of damage to the property.
It is believed that the offenders entered through a small window, unhinged multiple locks and smashed through a plastered wall to gain access to the hall.
Security cameras and alarms at the premises were also removed.
Police subsequently discovered a substance inside the fridge and, based on the aroma, concluded that the hall’s kitchen had been used to cultivate illicit substances.
“We’ve been told we have to get rid of all of the couches and furniture because it will all be infused,” Helen Pinkstone, from the Harkaway Scout Group, said.
“The police think they’ve been cooking something in here, and it smells really funny.”
Located near Upper Beaconsfield, the property is used by scouts across Casey and Cardinia for camping and is also hired to community groups on a weekly basis.
The thieves also raided a shed behind the hall, which was used to store high-powered machinery.
When Harkaway Scouts Warden Kevin Dodsworth discovered a discarded set of car seats and ignition barrels lying in the grass, he realised he was dealing with experienced lawbreakers.
“The extension cord was unravelled, and they’ve unhinged the screws and got inside the shed and used the machinery,” he added.
“They’ve brought in a car, re-birthed it and they’ve even left the tail lights in the shed.
“We know it’s something to do with drugs, because if you look around there are candles and bits and pieces all over the place.”
The Harkaway Scouting Branch has had to suspend hire of the hall until March due to the extent of the damage, losing their sole source of income.
“We have to try and clean the place and get it back to working order again,” Mr Dodsworth added.
“It isn’t going to take five minutes.
“It is extremely upsetting that all of this has happened.”
Federal MP Jason Wood is fighting to secure $50,000 of funding for the group in wake of the devastation.
“My goal is to get money to fix what they’ve done and replace what has been taken but also to go to the next level and get this place upgraded and protected,” he said.
“The heartbreaking thing is that everyone involved are all volunteers.
“With all the work they do – and the fact that they’re doing it for the kids – it’s just so unfair to be doing this.”
The group has made an impassioned plea for any local labourers or builders, who may be able to voluntarily assist in upgrading the hall.
Anybody who is interested in assisting the scouts can contact the Harkaway Scout Camp on Facebook, while those with further information are urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.