The fatal accident at the Wellington Road and Berwick Road intersection on Saturday 23 February shows again the dangers of high-volume uncontrolled intersections, according to the Cockatoo 21st Century Roads Action Group (CRAG 21).
VicRoads traffic counts for 2016 show 14,500 vehicles per day on Wellington Road on the west side of this intersection, 10,000 vehicles per day on the east side and 4500 vehicles per day using Berwick Road.
CRAG 21 member Sue Wales said the group is calling for urgent action to introduce traffic signals with warning lights similar to the Lysterfield Road intersection at the Berwick Road intersection.
“The frequency of lesser incidents at the intersection has been an ongoing concern. Sadly, this time the accident has been a fatality,” Ms Wales said.
“Consideration also needs to be given to duplicating Wellington Road from Napoleon Road in Rowville to the Berwick Road intersection to relieve congestion and address other safety issues.
“The intersection of Kelletts Road and Wellington Road is also uncontrolled and carries substantial traffic.”
The absence of VicRoads funding has resulted in CRAG 21 approaching Member for La Trobe Jason Wood and Labor’s candidate Simon Curtis at the next Federal Election regarding the importance of major improvements on Wellington Road in the hope that some Federal monies can be secured.
“Wellington Road is a key arterial for people in Melbourne’s outer east and south-east,” Ms Wales said.
“The advocacy efforts of Cardinia Shire Council and Brad Battin MP are appreciated, but MPs for electorates which Wellington Road passes through and the abutting councils also need to take up the challenge.
“It is acknowledged that the state has allocated record funds for transport infrastructure in inner and middle Melbourne and growth areas, but the needs in Melbourne’s outer east are equally deserving.”