Students to widen vistas overseas

Eumemmerring College Gleneagles campus students Jenelle, Luke, Tegan and Daniel are just four of the lucky students heading overseas as part of a new study program.Eumemmerring College Gleneagles campus students Jenelle, Luke, Tegan and Daniel are just four of the lucky students heading overseas as part of a new study program.

EUMEMMERRING College is expanding its learning horizons.
Selected staff and students from three of the school’s four campuses will take part in a pilot overseas study program, designed to learn in Malaysia, China, Germany and USA.
The program is being funded by the State Government.
Four teachers and 30 students from Gleneagles, Fountain Gate and the Endeavour Hills campus will take part.
As part of the travel experience, teachers organised representatives from a local travel agency to visit Gleneagles campus and discuss travel issues.
The travel company, along with other local businesses, are supporting the program through sponsorship.
Organising teacher Tammy Berryman said students chosen to participate in the program would return with increased global awareness.
“This program will also strengthen our local community and Victoria’s relationships with the overseas countries involved,” Ms Berryman said.
“Students will be provided with the opportunity to share their experience and knowledge with their peers and school community when they return to school.”