Teen stabbed in riot

A CCTV image following an incident where unruly teens took to the streets of Clyde North. Picture: CONTRIBUTED

By Brendan Rees

A teenager has been stabbed following an out-of-control party that spilled onto the streets of a Clyde North estate on Sunday morning, 23 February.

The incident occurred between Belcam Circuit and Soldiers Road about 4.40am.

Police say the victim was walking with a large group when an altercation occurred with a random person.

“The victim, a 17-year-old boy, was stabbed in the leg and was taken to hospital,” a Victoria Police spokesperson said.

A neighbour, Darren Hutchins, said he saw up to 60 youths, believed to be of African appearance, screaming and yelling in the streets of Circa 1886 estate earlier in the night – before the youths later taunted police about 12.20am.

“It just went on to six o’clock in the morning. They were up and down in the streets. Luckily there was no damage done to houses or cars in the streets,” he said.

“I’d seen them peeing on the neighbour’s fence … standing around like a feral pack of s—-s”.

Mr Hutchins said he remained behind the locked door of his home while his neighbour two doors down sat on his staircase armed with a shotgun.

“You just don’t know whether they’re going to kick the s—- of your front door and invade,” Mr Hutchins said.

There were reports a wild party had spiralled out of control at a nearby Airbnb where dozens of youths went on a rampage.

Mr Hutchins said he was shocked by the chaotic scenes as he kept an eye on the unruly teens through a pair of binoculars.

He added he was also a licenced firearm holder and wouldn’t hesitate to protect his home.

“I think at the end of the day I’ve got every right to protect my family ….you break into my house and threaten me I’ll drop you. I’ll take my chances. I certainly wouldn’t shoot to kill”.

He said: “Everyone was concerned for their wellbeing and property”.

The incident has triggered renewed calls for a police station in Clyde North – a promise made by the State Government at the last election, which it said would be completed by 2022.

Residents of Circa 1886 estate gathered for a community meeting on 26 February expressing their concerns.

“It’s not a vigilante group – it’s more we’re not going to cop their s— anymore,” Mr Hutchins said.

Neighbourhood Watch Casey president Rob Ward praised the actions of residents for responding quickly and calling police.

“We plan not only to meet with MPs and so on but also with the residents to get a Neighbourhood Watch going in the area to help educate people about they can do to keep themselves safe, get to know their neighbours and to be more aware,” Mr Ward said.

State Liberal MP for Gembrook Brad Battin called on the State Government to provide a Clyde North police Station saying residents are “genuinely afraid”.

“They are frightened in their own homes and that is a failure from the Government most important delivery target – keep your communities safe,” he said.

In a Facebook Post, Federal La Trobe MP Jason Wood echoed a similar sentiment saying: “State Labor promised a Clyde Police Station where is it?”

“I feel very sorry for Clyde North residents especially children who would be terrified,” the post said.

Anyone with information is urged regarding the riot is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000