Council’s Covid support measures

Casey Council CEO Glenn Patterson and interim administrator Noelene Duff community support and response initiatives are providing a wide-range of measures to support the community through the coronavirus crisis.

Casey Council is continuing to support the community to manage the far-reaching effects of the coronavirus pandemic with a range of social and economic support measures.

To date, nearly $41,000 has been provided to 16 community organisations through Casey’s quick response grants program, with payments fast-tracked to ensure organisations receive their funding as soon as possible. This funding has supported a range of organisations to purchase essential items such as:

• Food containers, kitchen equipment and other essential supplies to support emergency relief food provision

• Safety/protective equipment for volunteers involved in service delivery

• Activity packs for children whose family have limited access to online activities and resources

• Fuel vouchers for volunteers delivering meals to vulnerable residents

• Food and personal items for vulnerable clients

• Mobile phones and data to assist staff to deliver over the phone services to vulnerable clients

Casey Council interim administrator Noelene Duff said in addition to community grants, council had also helped facilitate food parcels, provided rate relief, waived and reduced some permit fees and provided additional assistance to businesses and community groups to help them cope during these unprecedented times.

“Many of our teams have also been identifying opportunities for appropriately trained and skilled Council employees to contribute to the direct delivery of community services to meet expected increase in demand. For example, redeployed council staff have been delivering meals on wheels and community transport, services which are usually provided by volunteers,” Ms Duff said.

“While many changes have occurred across the community due to the Coronavirus epidemic, Casey Council is continuing to find ways to enable continued service delivery and resident support.”

Examples of Council’s community support and response initiatives include:

More support for community and sporting organisations

• The Grants Team has been working with community organisations to identify specialised non-council grant funding opportunities and assisting with the preparation of grant applications.

• Assistance for community organisations to enable continued emergency and food relief by helping them to recruit volunteers through the Volunteer Matcher Program.

• The Community Care team is undertaking regular phone check-ins and monitoring of current Community Care clients who receive our services.

• The Public Health Team has changed the syringe container exchange program, now delivering empty containers directly to homes that need them.

• The Leisure Facilities Team has been working with council’s contract provider (YMCA) to provide free access for members to online fitness platforms. They have also provided access to an activity workbook so our Learn to Swim families can maintain aquatic education.

• Sports grounds and building maintenance charges have been waived for the duration of the winter 2020 season. In addition, a credit of $20.00 per pavilion, per month, is being provided for the duration of the COVID-19 restrictions. This is to assist with the cost of electricity associated with the continued running of security lights, alarms and security cameras.

Relief for rates and other charges

• Where possible, we are providing flexibility for rates payments to affected customers. Anyone unable to meet their payment by the due date is encouraged to contact Council as soon as possible to make arrangements and discuss potential relief options. Interest on all current overdue accounts has been suspended until 30 June 2020.

• Charges associated with the cancellation of hire facilities have been removed and payment plans have been introduced for outstanding fees.

• Casey Kindergarten Services will be passing on the State Government contribution which provides free education for kindergarten children in term 2 of 2020. In addition, fees have been waived for 2021 kindergarten registrations.

• The due date for animal registration renewals has been extended until 30 June 2020.

Supporting the business community

• Registration fees and local laws permits are being refunded for businesses that have temporarily suspended trading.

• A new Casey Business Helpline that enables council’s economic development officers to guide businesses through the Federal and State Government information and relief packages available, and to personalise council’s response on a case-by-case basis. Council have also modified programs and events offered through the Casey Cardinia region to respond to critical current business needs.

• Introducing new streamlined payment terms to support our suppliers, including suspending our usual 30-day payment terms and committing to paying our invoices (where purchase orders are in place) within ten business days of receipt of goods and services.

Casey Council CEO Glenn Patterson said Covid-19 was having a significant impact on the community and in turn on the City of Casey.

“We are working hard to find a balance between financial sustainability to see us through this pandemic for the long-term benefit of the Casey community, while also being able to be kind and responsive to the pressures our residents are facing every day,” he said.

“As an organisation we are proactively meeting and monitoring the situation daily to make considered decisions and identify ways we can provide further support to our community.”For more information on the ways Council is assisting our community during these tough times, or to find out what resources and support are available for you visit our Coronavirus page.