Can’t stop the beat!

Choristers were disappointed to not be able to perform Carmen with Opera Australia when the state went into lockdown. Picture: SUPPLIED 241305_01

By Danielle Kutchel

Covid can’t keep our local choir down!

Melbourne Youth Chorale (MYC) – formerly the Berwick Youth Choir – was looking forward to being able to perform one of the world’s most famous operas, Carmen, with Opera Australia at Bunjil Place and Frankston.

But the circuit breaker lockdown put paid to that plan with the performance cancelled.

One of the choristers, Aiden, said he was sad to miss out on the performance.

“But I’ve learned songs that I never thought I’d sing in my life,” he said.

“It was still a great opportunity to have practiced them. I hope we’ll be able to be part of something like this in the future.”

There is a chance that the performance will be rescheduled to a future date.

In the meantime, MYC returned to online rehearsals over the lockdown.

Choristers are now looking forward to the chorale’s upcoming Singathon, which can take place whether in lockdown or not.

Throughout Term 3 choristers aim to learn 600 new songs or exercises which will aid their music education.

This will be on top of what they learn in their normal rehearsals.

It’s a big task, but one they’re ready to take on after a difficult year.

And there’s even more to celebrate, as MYC turns 35 this year.

As part of the celebrations, MYC is honouring the memory of its founder, the late Jean Heriot, by continuing her mission to inspire and educate young people aged 6-20 through high-quality choral and musicianship education.

The choir currently operates on a ‘pay what you can afford’ basis, relying on community support for its activities.

In conjunction with the Singathon, the MYC is making a public appeal for help from the community.

It costs MYC around $1000 a year per chorister to operate.

Public contributions will be used to offer musical education to children and young people no matter their financial background.

The money goes towards employing teachers trained and experienced in the Kodaly music education method as well as covering administration costs, venue hire, new repertoire, camps, performances and special projects.

Donations can be made at