Getting into Book Week

Nathan Bone with a book by his favourite author. Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS 247799_01

By Danielle Kutchel

Thanks to Covid-19 restrictions Book Week looks a little different this year – so we put the call out to members of the community to tell us about their reading habits. And they were only too happy to share!


Who is your favourite author? That’s like asking who is your favourite child! Impossible to choose just one. I do have a few authors whose books I reread all the time, there are poets and short story authors from around the world I love and I guess the books my kids are into and we read together.

What is currently on your reading list? Re-reading Jitter bug Perfume by Tom Robbins. Royal Commission Mental Health Services Victoria Report. Fire County by Victor Steffensen. Phosphorescence by Julia Baird. Looking through Travel and Art books including The Artist’s Lunch – At home with Australia’s most celebrated artists.

Kindle/e-book or hard copy? Hard copy.

Why should people get into reading? Books have the power to take us somewhere, to imagine, to dive into journeys, to learn, give us insight into how others see the world. They can make us think and reflect, teach us about our own selves, and how we move around the world. Sky’s the limit really. In a world that is fast paced and so electronic, it makes my heart sing to see my kids read for hours on end and it is good for them to see me read too.


Who is your favourite author? I don’t have one favorite author – a few include Dr Joe Dispenza, Dr Bruce Lipton and Brene Brown.

What is currently on your reading list? Currently re-reading “Dare to Lead” by Brene Brown.

Kindle/e-book or hard copy? I love the flexibility of kindle that allows me to read when travelling but otherwise there is nothing better than getting engrossed in the pages of a book (hardcopy).

Why should people get into reading? Having experienced severe depression, reading was a key factor in me being able to find resources in my journey of recovery; it has helped me to learn new skills, increase my knowledge and expand my opportunities; it is also a means of self-care, I love being able to sit in a comfy chair, get engrossed and allow the book to take me to other places. I recommend reading to every one for all these reasons – to learn, to gain understanding and to relax. It doesn’t matter what level you are at, just start somewhere. Make a commitment to read a few pages every day. You will be amazed at how much you can read in a year.


Who is your favourite author? My favourite author is Colm Tóibín. I first discovered him because I read one of my daughter’s school books; Brooklyn. After I finished Brooklyn, I started working my way through whatever of his I could find including Nora Webster, The Heather Blazing and The Blackwater Lightship. I enjoy the way he describes the environment that the characters live in and the effect of their place in history.

What’s currently on your reading list? I’ve got two books going at the moment; I’m just at the end of Jill Hennessy’s essay Respect. It explores, with some optimism, the need to be conscious of how we interact with each other and the need to respond to people’s views in a way that is considerate of humanity. I worked for Jill for four years so it’s lovely to hear her voice come through very clearly in her writing. I’m also enjoying Did ye Hear Mammy Died by Seamas O’Reilly. It’s a memoir set in Ireland and – despite its title – is really funny, warming and captures a loving family responding to the grief of the loss of a beloved mother. I enjoy everything Tim Winton wrote and love Liane Moriarty.

Why should people get into reading? Reading is really important to me; I can’t sleep without reading (even if just a couple of pages) and I am often guilty of staying up way later than is healthy if I have a page turner. Reading is excellent for stress reduction and at a time when we can’t travel, it takes me to other places in my mind. I find it a complete escape.


Current read: Life After by Evonne Madden. A collection of true stories written by my friend’s wife, Evonne after the passing of my mate Paul. She interviewed a range of people that experienced tragedy of losing someone they love.

Best ever read: Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom. A great read that has a positive message about living for each day.


Who is your favourite author? I am not tied to an author, I will read anything if the subject interests in me.

What is currently on your reading list? I have a bio books next to my bed, it has a mix of political history women in leadership and some chick lit in it.

Kindle/e-book or hard copy? Hard copy, I love the smell of a book.

Why should people get into reading? I love reading because of the memories I can connect to books, such as Go Dogs Go – my dad used to read to me when he was away with the navy as he knew it word for word; and The Silver Brumby series reminds me of family holidays in Corryong. It can transport you to a new word, or open up your own world when you learn something new.


Who is your favourite author? No favourite author, I read depending on my mood and what inspires me.

What is currently on your reading list? The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins, The Kindest Lie by Nancy Johnson, Girl Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis and Becoming by Michelle Obama.

Kindle/e-book or hard copy? Hard copy.

Why should people get into reading? To relax and unwind .


Who is your favourite author? I read non-fiction and I don’t have a favourite author. I just love reading!

What is currently on your reading list? Currently I’m reading Awakening Shakti by Sally Kempton, a book about the feminine energies represented by the archetypal figures of the Hindu Goddesses.

Kindle/e-book or hard copy? Hard copy! I love touching the pages, highlighting a passage. I read e-books too, but I find that reading on a device takes away some of the personality of the book, like its thickness and looking at the cover when I pick it up.

Why should people get into reading? I would recommend reading because books are like friends that we can have conversations with; we can learn from them and even question them; they can take us in places we haven’t been and make our imagination fly; they can also help us organise what we’ve learnt, and even expand and deepen insights about life!


Who is your favourite author? Matthew Reilly, hands down. I am also very excited to see what Ernest Cline does in the future, after reading his books Ready Player One and Ready Player Two.

What is currently on your reading list? I am currently reading Temple by Matthew Reilly. Following that I am planning to read the Robert Langdon series by Dan Brown, starting with Angels and Demons.

Kindle/e-book or hard copy? I am a hard copy reader and always will be. There is nothing better than the feeling of bringing home a new book to read, or that ‘new book smell’. Love it.

Why should people get into reading books? Reading books is a great way to relax, or escape. Books can take you to a far off land of wizards and elves, or gripping journey through space, even back in time to an era long before ours. There is a book for everyone out there and it is made super easy today with services like kindle, Google Books, Goodreads and more.


Who is your favourite author? George Orwell.

What is currently on your reading list? John Edwards’ “John Curtin’s War”; John Harris’, Craig Jeffrey and Trent Brown’s “India: Continuity and Change in the Twenty-First Century”; Frank McLynn’s “Genghis Khan: The Man who Conquered the World”.

Kindle/e-book or hard copy? Always hard copy.

Why should people get into reading? To escape into a new world and for intellectual stimulation.


Who is your favourite author? Lee Childs.

What is currently on your reading list? The Strong Man by Grant Edwards and Run Like Crazy by Tristan Miller.

Kindle/e-book or hard copy? Hard copy all the way.

Why should people get into reading? Keeps your mind active and I believe in continuous learning.


Who is your favourite author? Fiona McIntosh.

What is currently on your reading list? Breath by James Nestor.

Kindle/e-book or hard copy? Hard copy is always my first preference as I love the smell and feel of books.

Why should people get into reading? For me reading takes me on an adventure and into a space where I can escape from the crazy world.


Who is your favourite author? Too many to list – L.M Montgomery, Stephen King, Liane Moriarty, Joe Hill, C.J Tudor, Deidre Purcell, Roddy Doyle, Tim Winton, Joyce Carol Oates to name a few.

What is currently on your reading list? After The Flames – Roderic Grigson, Billy Summers – Stephen King, a new short story anthology

Kindle/e-book or hard copy? i prefer hard copies but also use a tablet for e-books.

Why should people get into reading? I read to be entertained and to escape into my imagination. Favourite quote about reading – “Books are a uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King


What is currently on your reading list? My favourite read is a good autobiography/biography. Have recently read, “Becoming” by Michelle Obama, “Working Class Boy” and “Working Class Man” by Jimmy Barnes, “Tell Me Why” by Archie Roach and Mao’s Last Dancer. I am currently reading “The Happiest Refugee” by Anh Do.

Who is your favourite author? I do enjoy a range of genres, some of the authors that I like to read include John Grisham, James Patterson, Karen Rose and Caroline Overington.

Kindle/e-book or hard copy? I definitely prefer to read hard copy, love to physically turn the pages as I read.

Why should people get into reading? Reading provides enjoyment and relaxation. Nothing better than spending a quiet afternoon with a good book, reading can take you to a totally different time and place.


Who is your favourite author? I don’t read very much fiction. I tend to read non-fiction. Having said that, Tim Winton is a favourite. His ocker characters and description of our natural coastlines are all very familiar to me.

What is currently on your reading list? I have just finished reading Respect by my parliamentary colleague, Jill Hennessy. Jill speaks to the declining tone of civility in real life and the on-line world. It’s an excellent analysis of the impact that this has on debate, our mental health and ultimately the formation of public policy. It’s an excellent read. Next on the list is a Paul Keating biography by Kerry O’Brien. I suspect that my taste in non-fiction is terribly predictable.

Kindle/e-book or hard copy? Hard copy definitely – something about the feel of turning the actual page. Having said that e-books/kindle are great when you are travelling. I’m yet to try talking books but will do so soon. Controversial I know, but any debate will be done with the greatest respect.

Why should people get into reading? Reading is a means of getting lost in thought – thoughts of the author and the thoughts of your own. It opens concepts, views and opinions that you might not have otherwise considered. For me, a descriptive phrase can sometimes mean I will view that concept, feeling or object in those words from then on. Reading has the power to convey this.