With Covid restrictions easing, life is soon to return to a more full and active one. However health professionals are predicting an increase in foot and leg injuries post lockdown.
We asked one of Australia’s leading foot and leg pain experts, Dr. Paul Dowie from Foot and Leg Pain Clinics, to explain.
“Extended periods of decreased physical activity results in reduced strength and capacity to bear load i.e. the weigth your feet and legs bear through activity when carrying your body weight around. When we suddenly return to our normal lives it may cause considerable stress to muscles, joints and tissues leading to a range of overuse syndromes and injuries,” says Dr Dowie.
“Whilst we can assist most foot and leg injuries relatively easily with appropriate treatment, prevention is better than cure,” he says.
Dr. Dowie suggests:
– Taking things slowly and gradually increasing activity. Start with walking around the block or other outdoor activities such as cycling and swimming which comply with lockdown regulations, which will prepare your muscles and tendons for a return to normality.
– Start wearing shoes around the house to help provide structured support. This will definitely help with prepearing your body for increased outdoor activities.
– Wear supportive and activity appropriate shoes at all times. Replacing worn exercise footwear when shops open again, is very important.
– Do warm up exercises prior to strenuous activity and stretch regularly.
“Start slowly, gradually build up and don’t overdo it! This way you’ll be back to full capacity in no time…”
If you do suffer any foot, ankle, knee, leg or hip pain or injuries you can make an appointment with Dr. Dowie at Foot & Leg Pain Clinics in Berwick. Call 1300 328 300.