New Year, new school?

Enrol now at St Peter's College.

Do you need to secure an enrolment for your child in 2022?

St Peter’s College principal Chris Black invites parents to consider St Peter’s College, either in Cranbourne or Clyde North. Whether it’s Year 7 or all year levels through to Year 12, talk to them about your child’s schooling needs for 2022.

Contact college registrar Wendy Height on 5990 7777 or email

Mr Black said the College focussed on developing the skills today so students will thrive in tomorrow’s world.

“The 21st century learner will need a skill-set of critical thinking, effective communication skills and the ability to work collaboratively and creatively. St Peter’s College strives to provide opportunities for our students to engage and excel in all of these areas,” he said.

Big decision

“When selecting a secondary school for your child, you need to feel confident in not only what that school can deliver in Year 7, but how the school can provide a stimulating learning environment across the six years. Our desire is for students to run excitedly through St Peter’s College gates to commence their secondary schooling, and walk out at the end of Year 12, with confidence, a sense of purpose, and a feeling of positivity about their future lives,” Mr Black said.

Individual learning pathways

St Peter’s College offers VCAL, VET and VCE study pathways, allowing each student to tailor their learning for their own career aspirations.

Mr Black continues, “We are a proudly Catholic community with a focus on Christ at the centre of our learning with a strong focus on the development of the whole person, academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually.”

Campus tours

St Peter’s College conducts regular student-led campus tours, onsite when they can, otherwise via virtual tours as a good place for parents to start their research. Book online at

”Campus tours are essentially, just as the name suggests, times when schools open their doors, when teachers get to showcase their classrooms, and when students act as guides.

“A tour is an incredibly valuable resource as it gives you and your child an idea as to what their potential second home looks and feels like. They also provide information beyond what is available in school documentation and on websites. Campus tours are opportunities for parents to ask specifics about educational opportunities, extracurricular programs, pastoral care and community spirit,” Mr Black said.