Big event for boys

THE big boys were back in Doveton recently for an annual car show that had local car enthusiasts all revved up.
The Big Boy Toys, held at Doveton North Primary School, exhibited 12 vintage and sprint cars as well as steam engines, hot rods and two Kenwood trucks.
About 200 people attended the popular show organised by parents at Doveton North Primary School and the Doveton and Eumemmerring Neighbourhood Renewal Community Events Fund Committee.
Entry was a gold coin donation and all money raised from entry, a sausage sizzle, raffle and show bags, helped fund two community projects, The Barn and The Parent Place.
More than $400 was raised for the projects and the event will be held again early next year.
The Barn, at Doveton North Primary School, and The Parent Place, located at Eumemmerring Primary School, will be open-plan spaces where local families, staff and students can attend forums and participate in activities and events.
The Barn will include a community garden which will incorporate a vegetable garden to promote healthy eating. The Parent Place will include an industrial kitchen.
The spaces will also be available to community groups and these common community meeting places will be based in and will facilitate services and activities for the local community, including all seven schools within the Doveton and Endeavour Hills area.