Back in business

NWBG president Dale Munckton is looking forward to gathering again.

By Jamie Salter

Narre Warren Business Group (NWBG) events are returning with an outdoor lunch at Wilson Botanic Park in Berwick and all local business people are welcome to attend.

The free lunch will provide a chance for members and visitors to casually reconnect and network once again.

President Dale Munckton said he could not wait to see everyone again after nearly two years.

“The last NWBG in-person event was the start of March 2020, and we have done some online events in the meantime,” Mr Munckton said

“In talking to members and new people looking to join, the massive overall feedback is people are missing that interaction.

“What I’ve really noticed is there’s a real hunger for people to get back to these sorts of events.

“We’re expecting good numbers for this event and in the coming months.”

The lunch will be held on Tuesday 1 March from midday to 1.30pm and the exact location details will be emailed prior to the event.

Lunch and a drink upon arrival will be presented to attendees and the NWBG will email guests so they can select their lunch and preferred drink once they have made a booking.

Numbers are limited and booking is essential.

Bookings will be accepted up until Sunday 27 February.

People must be double vaccinated to attend this event.

To book, email