Relief for flood victims

SVA volunteers arrive at The First Gurdwara of Australia, Woolgoolga.

By Jamie Salter

Devastating floods are ravaging NSW and Queensland homes, with major flooding occurring in Lismore.

Casey-based Sikh Volunteers Australia (SVA) are travelling to Lismore in northern NSW to provide freshly cooked vegetarian meals to those who have fled to evacuation centres.

Volunteers departed from Melbourne at 6am on Tuesday 1 March and travelled 22 hours straight until they reached Woolgoolga, NSW.

Woolgoolga is home to The First Gurdwara of Australia, who have welcomed SVA and assisted with preparing meals for those in need.

SVA founder Jaswinder Singh arrived in Woolgoolga at 4am on Wednesday 2 March along with three more volunteers.

He said he has received non-stop requests for assistance.

“We didn’t stop at all and on the way we were trying to get information from the local community on what routes were open and where the help was most needed,“ Mr Singh said.

“Woolgoolga is unaffected at the moment but we were told if heavy rain occurs, then the situation could worsen.

“The situation in Lismore is devastating but unfortunately we don’t have any control over natural disasters,“ he said.

Local universities and secondary schools have been transformed into evacuation centres in Lismore and SVA members will travel the three hours from Woolgoolga to offer food relief to flood victims.

Further SVA volunteers will soon fly to NSW to join in the crisis response, with the volunteers planning to remain interstate for as long as they are needed.

The latest SVA developments will be published on the Sikh Volunteers Australia Facebook page.

Those who can have been asked to donate to support SVA.

“If someone can help us, please donate,“ Mr Singh said.