Emergency calls left unheard

Gembrook Member Brad Battin, Ron and Pam Barnett and Helen Bryan discuss phone reception on Ramlegh Boulevard.

By Jamie Salter

A petition is calling for improved phone reception for Clyde North residents, who are struggling to make life saving emergency calls.

About 330 residents of Lifestyle Berwick Waters are over the age of 50 and are unable to make phone calls effectively.

Lifestyle resident Pam Barnett said getting through to emergency services was a major concern for locals.

“We can’t ring for an ambulance and that could mean life or death – it’s a constant concern,” she said.

Resident Helen Bryan said people have to leave their homes to make calls.

“If we have a fall, we can’t even call a family member because it drops out – it’s just really bad.”

A new phone tower at Casey Fields is set to be switched on, boosting coverage and easing congestion on the existing site at Clyde North.

“The new site is due to be switched on in the next couple of months and customers across Clyde will notice a big improvement,” a Telstra spokesperson said.

“We’ve faced some delays that were beyond our control including access and location arrangements but now they’re resolved we’re getting on with the project.

“Locals know just how much new development there is in the wider area, which is why we’ve already upgraded 4G capacity on seven sites around the wider area and added 5G.

“Because of the rapid population growth in Clyde and Clyde North, we’re also in the planning stages for two new sites which will further boost coverage.”

Gembrook Member Brad Battin said people who were isolating, working from home and learning from home deserved better phone reception sooner rather than later.

“There are so many parts of that community – a new community – that have zero access to mobile phones at the moment,” Mr Battin said.

“Telstra – if you look at their maps – will say 4G is green the whole way through Clyde North.

“More and more people are working from home and this is a problem that needs to be fixed.”

To view the petition, visit bit.ly/3tr493S