Tall tales live

Tales: Ethan, Annie Stewart, Alabama, Kaitlyn enjoy the school holidays at Narre Warren Library. 32401 Tales: Ethan, Annie Stewart, Alabama, Kaitlyn enjoy the school holidays at Narre Warren Library. 32401

YOUNG children had big imaginations at Narre Warren Library last week when they were entertained by a professional storyteller from Daylesford.
Annie Stewart acted, made origami and drew pictures to captivate about 20 children for an hour on 2 July.
Library officer Lina Colmanet said parents and their children were impressed with Ms Stewart.
“One of the mothers had said to me that the event was good for children to develop their listening skills,” Ms Colmanet said.
“The kids found her to be very engaging. She was really good.”
Ms Colmanet said the Narre Warren Library would be holding a variety of events during school holidays, including a Puppet Pandemonium today (Thursday) at 2pm for children seven and older, and Traditional Stories and Rhyme Time on Friday at 11am for preschool-aged children and older.
“At Puppet Pandemonium, children will be making groovy puppets, and after Traditional Stories and Rhyme Time there will be some activities,” she said.
Bookings are essential, on 9704 7696.