By Sahar Foladi
City of Casey residents enjoyed an extraordinary day of ’Bukjeh’ Gathering at Bunjil Place for the first time thanks to the Bukjeh organisation.
Families were able to enjoy the event from 11 am to 4 pm on Saturday 13 May.
Founder and chief executive officer, Aseel Tayah was very thankful and joyous at the success of the event.
“The event was a great success. I could tell from people’s smiles, excitement and them staying till the very end of the event.
“People loved the fact that there was so much going on, they loved that there was something for everyone (kids and adults) and they loved to celebrate with each other.“
The event saw a great attraction from community groups such as the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, Narre Warren North MP Belinda Wilson and federal opposition spokesperson for community safety, migration services and multicultural affairs Jason Wood.
“I was amazed by the collaboration of different mosques, community centres, schools and organisations,“ Ms Tayah said.
Bunjil Place struggled to close its doors as people lingered around, chatting, making conversations and sharing their appreciation for the event.
Ms Tayah said Bukjeh can’t wait for their next big Eid event.
Ms Wilson also gladly accepted the invitation to experience Bukjeh and said her favourite part was the food, multicultural experience and interacting with “so many people doing amazing work to promote multiculturalism across Victoria.“
“The event was absolutely incredible, with plenty of performances, singing and dancing – it was a great show of rich culture, family and connection in our community, and it was an honour to be invited.
“The work Bukjeh does is very important, and I support their mission to promote intercultural connection in the community. I look forward to working with them to best support their vision.“