By Rebecca Fraser
BROKEN arms, sprained limbs and other trampolining mishaps could be a thing of the past thanks to a new safety awareness program to be run at Endeavour Hills.
On Saturday the Endeavour Hills Leisure Centre, run by the YMCA, will hold a free trampoline safety day to promote the safe, but fun use, of trampolines.
Gymnastic team leader, Lee Whittaker, said the safety day was designed for parents and children who had just bought a trampoline for Christmas and did not know how to use it safely.
Qualified trampoline coaches, including head coach Chris Chatfield, who also will run the two safety sessions, have designed the day.
“A lot of people have no idea about trampoline safety and how to climb on and off and where to bounce on the trampoline,” Ms Whittaker said.
“We will talk about the dangers of jumping two at a time and look at basic jumping as well as having a bit of fun.”
Ms Whittaker said a lot of children jumped off the trampoline when they were bouncing instead of climbing off safely.
She said she has adult children of her own, but when her son was younger he used to do some adventurous and dangerous tricks on the family trampoline.
“Accidents happen when children do not have aerial awareness,” she said.
“My son used to jump from the shed to the trampoline into the swimming pool.
“I am surprised to still have a son,” she said.
There will be two one-hour sessions, with the first running from 2-3pm and the second from 3-4pm.
To book a session call 9700 4697.