Team effort for fun fete

Art student Sal with her artwork. Pictures: 366726 STEWART CHAMBERS

By Matthew Sims

From face painting to a petting zoo and everything in between, Foundation Learning Centre’s Narre Warren campus had something fun for people of all ages earlier this week.

Students from all year levels from the community based education and human services organisation helped organise the family carnival on Tuesday 17 October, which also welcomed students and parents from the Frankston campus.

Learning and curriculum team leader Daniella Maloney said the event was a “huge success”.

“I’m incredibly proud of the students,” she said.

“They really showed what they’re capable of.

“It gave them a chance to shine.”

Delivered thanks to a Victorian Curriculum And Assessment Authority grant towards the school’s applied learning program, all students had a part to play, from Year 11 students meeting with Casey Council to Year 10 students manning the sausage sizzle.

The carnival also featured an art show open to all local schools, giant board games and mini golf.

The Foundation Vogue Academy students also strutted their stuff as part of a hair and fashion show.

Half of the funds raised would be fed back into the centre, while the other half would go towards local charity Find a Penny.

Ms Maloney said the event marked the last major assessment for the students before the end of the year.

“It’s definitely a credit to the kids,” she said.

“It was nice to finish in such a positive way.”