Berwick on the back foot

From left, Berwick’s David Bond, Keysborough trio Mitch Pepper, Jarrod Matthews and Dave Rickerby, and Berwick’s Graeme Manifold await the outcome of a crucial bowl on Saturday. 368753 Picture: SUPPLIED


Saturday saw the first round of the 2023/24 season finally underway with Berwick fielding seven sides this season from Division 1 through to Division 8.

With many off-season departures – including 11 from the top side – new initiatives implemented from selectors and the like, the season will be one of opportunity and intrigue for the club and its members.

• SIDE 1 – Division 1 Section 4

Def by Keysborough (away) 65-79 (2 points)

Side 1 travelled to take on Keysborough who have been touted as a possible top-two finisher in the section. With three of our bowlers from last year moving to Keysborough there was plenty to play for. Keysborough flew out of the blocks and were 20+ shots up on the main board with only Hodgson’s rink with their noses in front. In true Berwick style though, the ones continued to fight hard and get back to within single digits in the last few ends, with Rich’s rink winning by a shot; Manifold staging a big comeback to go down by four; Wilson down by 11 and with two ends to play, Hodgson was up by eight! Six shots down, two ends to play and it was game on, but unfortunately the rink couldn’t set up the head for Hodgson to have a winning chance and they dropped two fours in the last two ends to draw on the rink and go down by 14 overall. Encouraging is something we can take from it as well as some confidence, but early wins are crucial for the ones and they’ll need to get the first one on the board this coming week at home against Cheltenham.

• SIDE 2 – Division 2 Section 8

Def by Keysborough 2 (home) 75-76 (5 points)

The twos hosted Keysy’s second side at home and came as close as it gets to grabbing the points only to see it taken away by the barest of margins. With only one rink loss, generally, you’d expect to get the win overall, but it just wasn’t to be. Rink wins to Bruce Anderson (by 5) and Roy Down (by 2) just wasn’t enough to cover the Fothergill loss which was only eight in the end. Lynn McCurran’s rink fought hard all day to come away with a draw, but two-and-half wins and five points is also an encouraging start by the twos. With a great start by all rinks, and a lead heading towards the break, they were looking in control until each rink went down on the last end before the break to lose 16 shots on the main board and some soul searching over a beer or coffee. Neck and neck after the break and some great contests, the twos will tell you they had their chances. Honorable losses for our two top sides won’t get the job done this season so although these are great starts, these are the games we need to win. The twos are off to Burden Park on Saturday who went down to Edithvale so a win is on the cards if they can nail the closing stages.

• SIDE 3 – Division 3 Section 8

Def Cheltenham 2 (home) 82-73 (14 points)

What an awesome start by the threes. Like we said above, the club’s depth has taken a massive hit with the departures over the off season and this has created opportunity for bowlers to jump up in to the higher grades and based on this result it’s spurring a few on to play some great bowls. Rob Morley and Mike Hodges were the winning rinks with Chris Jones and Bill Stilo’s rinks both going down by six each. A great start for the threes and they’ll host Hampton Park 1 at home this week and another big chance to put some points on the board. Great start threes!

• SIDE – 4 Division 4 Section 8

Def by Noble Park 1 (away) 68-97 (2 points)

A big ask for the fours this week playing Noble Park’s best side but dropping big numbers on some ends will see the fours struggle if they can’t rectify this in the coming weeks. Front ends need to provide more pressure and back ends will require a more thorough evaluation of shots to ensure the big numbers aren’t dropped early in games, which only puts pressure on all 16 players. So, a big week on the track for the fours, they’ll need to get together as rinks, play against each other and communicate what is and isn’t the best way to ensure numbers aren’t dropped. It doesn’t get any easier as the fours will host Ferntree Gully 2 at home! They’re usually a reasonably competitive outfit and being their second side, the fours will need to be on their toes early to ensure they are in the contest at the back end of the game.

• SIDE 5 – Division 5 Section 8

Def Narre Warren 5 (home) 82-65 (15 points)

A fantastic start for the fives against the arch-rival Narre Warren 5 to get the points. Ray Findlay had a great win against the former Berwick skip to get the ball rolling, and Martin Grindley in his first game as skip had a great win by 11 shots ably helped by Leanne Kleverlaan, Shaun Reddy and Tom McDermott. Tony Wynen started the season well again with a draw and John Kleverlaan kept the result never in doubt with a tight one-shot loss. That’s how to get it done fives and what a great start to the season. Off to Mulgrave to take on their fourth side will be a big ask but the fives have confidence and momentum so we’re all looking for a great result by them.

• SIDE 6 – Division 6 Section 8

Def by Cranbourne 4 (away) 92-56 (2 points)

Ouch! That one hurt…the poor old sixes did not get off to the start they were hoping for this week getting trounced by an obviously in-form Cranbourne. Again, some very heavy losses, but getting the two points were Helen Adair, James Young, Kevin Fewster and Terry Wood. Shot selection, bowls in the head, we’re not sure what went wrong this week over at Cranbourne but the sixes need a confidence booster this week as they host Dandy Club 4 which is going to be a hard task! Like the fours, more practice together, more communication and some belief in each other and we’re sure the results will turn.

• SIDE 7 Division 8 Section 4

Def by Dandenong Club 6 (away) 60-54 (2 points)

A very narrow loss and a great result really from the sevens. All three rinks kept the scores close, no big losses and a tight, hard-fought game down to the wire. We have many new bowlers this season so this is a great experience for them, along with our experienced campaigners, and they will only benefit from the tight tussles early in their pennant careers. Jess O’Day, Eva Donnellan, Barbara Guest and Peter Childs were the only winning rink and well done on a great result. The sevens host Cranbourne 5 this week so they’ll be looking to consolidate with a win to start a great season ahead.

Well done everyone, we’re off and running!

Plenty of practice, both individually and as a side/rink and we’ll start to turn the losses into some wins.

-John Rich-