Festive fun for all

Marilyn, Margaret and Lynne with Santa. 373214 Pictures: GARY SISSONS

The St John of God Berwick Hospital Auxiliary group has united to celebrate another year of supporting the hospital to purchase new medical equipment and technology.

Held at The Beaconsfield Club, the group’s Christmas luncheon involved about 100 auxiliary members and supporters enjoying a visit from Santa Claus and the drawing of the raffle.

More than 30 members actively participate in fundraising activities via the group, including donating two oncology treatment chairs valued at $12,000 for the hospital’s day oncology unit.

Funds were also used to provide education for the hospital’s breast care nurse, who provides important support and care for patients undergoing treatment for breast cancer.

New members are always welcome to join our hospital auxiliary.

To become a member, contact president Sally Wright on 8784 5000.