Retiree club 30 years young

Cynthia and Mary enjoying the event. 375363 Pictures: STEWART CHAMBERS

By Matthew Sims

Berwick’s retirees celebrated a special occasion in style last week, with the Combine Probus Club of Berwick celebrating its 30-year anniversary.

Held on Tuesday 5 December at the Beaconsfield Football Club and attended by 81 members and a number of guests, the club combined the 30-year anniversary with its annual Christmas lunch and the recognition of membership and service awards.

The club has organised a number of trips for its members over the years, including to Queenscliffe, Geelong, Canberra and New Zealand.

Other activities have included guest speakers, theatre outings, a walking group, a gardening group and a craft group.

Inaugural club president John Greenwood, aged 95, was present to receive his 30-year Award and that of his wife June who was unable to attend.

In addition, Harry Crosby, aged 96, was presented with a long service award.

Club president Noel Sullivan and Berwick MP Brad Battin presented other awards to 20-year and 10-year members in recognition of their service and membership.

Mr Battin said reaching 30 years was a “magnificent milestone” for the club to celebrate.

“Many members of the club have served for the entire 30 years and continue to do so,” he said.

“The club would always welcome new members and from my conversations with members on Tuesday it sounds like they remain a very active and excited branch to join.

“Congratulations to all the members past and present for connecting people.”

In addition to the traditional Christmas lunch, the event included competition prizes and Christmas carols.

The club meets at the Old Cheese Factory on the first Tuesday of every month except December and January, with the meeting commences at 10am followed by a morning tea and a guest speaker.