Ace Classic proves a winner

Bunyip committee members Steve Shorten, Vanessa Kent, Sue Crees, Helen Ross and Tyson Dennis all pose for a photo with tournament winner Josh Charlton. 384636 Pictures: LJUBICA VRANKOVIC

By Jonty Ralphsmith

Semi-professional Gippsland 24-year-old Joshua Charlton has taken out the inaugural Ace Classic at Bunyip, beating the hard-hitting Daniel Strorman 6-3, 7-6 (2) in the final.

Strorman was a level above Chris Millidonis and Ari Pilikidis in his early round matches, finding angles with his ground strokes and regularly hitting the lines.

Due to face number two seed Corey Gaal in Sunday morning’s semi final, Strorman got through to the final as Gaal was forced to withdraw after being a late call up to the Burnie International qualifying event.

He then put up a gallant fight but was outclassed by Charlton in the final, with the tournament favourite not dropping a set en route to the $1500 cheque.

Strorman pocketed $500 while Gaal and fellow semi-finalist Jordan Cowling each pocketed $200.

Cowling, who serves left-handed and plays right-handed, defeated Korumburra’s Brad Perks and close friend John McDonald to reach the semis.

Young Beaconsfield player Noah Keltie got through to the main draw as a qualifier and got the opportunity to share the court with Charlton, who was praised by several volunteers around the club for his sportsmanship throughout the day.

At the other end of the draw, Narre Warren North qualifier Matthew Phillips got the opportunity against Gaal.

Other locals beaten in the first round were Oscar Tweedale (Bunyip Tennis Club) and Troy Haysham-Weidner (Officer Tennis Club).


1st Round

Joshua Charlton (1) defeated Noah Keltie 6-0, 6-0, Heath Dufty-Miller (7) defeated Oscar Tweedale 6-3, 6-4, Jordan Cowling (4) defeated Brad Perks 6-1, 6-0, John McDonald (5) defeated Troy Haysham-Weidner 6-3, 6-4, Ari Pilikidis defeated Matthew Pocklington 6-3, 6-2, Daniel Strorman defeated Chris Millidonis 6-2, 6-3, Regan Morehu (6) defeated Will Tripodi 6-0, 6-0, Corey Gaal defeated Matthew Phillips 6-0, 6-0.


Joshua Charlton (1) defeated Heath Dufty-Miller 6-2, 6-0, Jordan Cowling (4) defeated John McDonald (5) 6-1, 4-6, 6-1, Daniel Strorman (3) defeated Ari Pilikidis 6-0, 6-4, Corey Gaal (2) defeated Regan Morehu (6) 6-1, 6-3.

Semi finals

Joshua Charlton (1) defeated Jordan Cowling (4) 6-2, 6-1, Daniel Strorman defeated Corey Gaal (walkover).


Joshua Charlton (1) defeated Daniel Strorman 6-3, 7-6 (2)