Premier confirms relief for those worst affected

Premier Allan speaking with Cardinia Shire Mayor Jack Kowarzik and Monbulk MP Daniel De Martino.

By Corey Everitt

As towns from Upper Beaconsfield to Gembrook sat without power for several days, many even cut off without cellular reception, Premier Jacinta Allan has confirmed the State Government will compensate local businesses and help emergency relief for the shire’s residents affected by last week’s significant storm.

Premier Allan’s visited the state’s worst affected areas on Friday 16 February, including Emerald with many parts of the town still without power for almost a week as of Monday 19 February.

Premier Allan confirmed relief will be on the way through the Prolonged Power Outage Payments, a Federal and State Government scheme which provides funds to households and businesses who have lost power for seven days.

“This is obviously recognising they have had it tough, but also as the power is progressively turned on for more and more customers there is still going to be a number of people who are going to take a little bit longer given the huge damage,” Premier Allan said.

If still without power for seven days since the storm, households are eligible for payments of $1920 per-week for the next three weeks, while small businesses are eligible for $2927 per-week.

These payments will be distributed by respective energy distributors, in this case Ausnet, who will notify customers of their eligibility and provide details for processing the application for relief payments.

Waste levies will also be waived for storm affected-residents in 21 Local Government Areas, including Cardinia.

Disaster waste can be disposed of for free at local tips until 30 April.

Cardinia Shire Council has been on the forefront of immediate emergency relief for residents in the hills during this time with relief centres in Emerald and Cockatoo running since Wednesday.

Residents can use all these avenues to help them in this time, including the 1800 Emergency Recovery Hotline where they can find out more ways to receive help.

Relief centres are still open at Worrell Reserve, 402 Belgrave-Gembrook Road, Emerald and Cockatoo Community Complex on 79 Pakenham Road, Cockatoo from 9am to 5pm.