Elusive FV offenders caught in three-day operation


Police arrested almost 70 family violence offenders in three days as part of an operation in the Southern Metro police region last week.

Among them was a 31-year-old man who had allegedly assaulted his former partner in public.

She required hospital treatment for a facial laceration, significant bruising and broken teeth.

The man had been avoiding police for a month and was also wanted for theft and drug-related charges.

He will face court later this month.

Many of the offenders were violent on multiple occasions against partners and had been “actively evading” authorities, police say.

Their offences included assaults, threats, harassment and technology-facilitated abuse.

Some had blackmailed victims into keeping their whereabouts secret, have multiple outstanding warrants and are flouting family violence safety notices and family violence intervention orders.

Police also served 47 family violence intervention orders and executed 58 outstanding warrants.

“It shows just how serious we are in ensuring family violence offenders are held responsible for their actions and the harm they wreak on their partners and children,” Southern Metro Region Inspector Rodney Maroney said.

“Family violence is never acceptable. It can never be excused and it can never be justified.”

Also arrested was a 39-year-old man who allegedly assaulted his former partner and her dog. She was left with severe bruising.

The man had been allegedly avoiding police for three months.

Police allegedly found him in company of the former partner, breaching a family violence intervention order.

He also allegedly contravened a community corrections order for drug possession, failing to answer bail and assaulting the same former partner.

The man was remanded to face court later this month.

A 25-year-old man was found hiding under a bed at his partner’s house despite a family violence intervention order requiring him to stay away.

The man was wanted for several family violence incidents and stealing his partner’s vehicle.

He was remanded to face court at a later date.

A 43-year-old man who allegedly committed technology-related abuse against a former partner and contravened a family violence intervention order was also arrested.

He’d been evading police for four months.

The man was arrested and released pending summons.

A 29-year-old man who allegedly persistently contravened a family violence intervention order. The man, wanted for almost a month, had also been sought over theft-related offences. He was found while allegedly attempting to steal from a shopping complex. He was charged and remanded to face court later this month.

Support is available 24 hours a day through Safe Steps by calling 1800 015 188 or emailing safesteps@safesteps.org.au

No to Violence runs a Men’s Referral Service which helps men who use violence to change their behaviour and can be contacted on 1300 766 491.

In an emergency call Triple Zero (000). If you can’t get to a phone, ask someone else to do it for you.